International Advisory Committee

Michel Davier (LAL, Orsay, France)
Simon Eidelman (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Hisaki Hayashii (Nara Women's University, Japan)
Yuri Kudenko (INR, Moscow, Russia)
Johann Kühn (KIT, Germany)
George Lafferty (University of Manchester, UK)
Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore and
         INFN Pisa, Italy)
William Marciano (BNL, USA)
Vittorio Paolone (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Martin Perl (SLAC, USA)
Antonio Pich (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)
Lee Roberts (Boston University, USA)
Michael Roney (University of Victoria, Canada)
Achim Stahl (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Changzheng Yuan (IHEP, Beijing, China)


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Local Organising Committee

George Lafferty
Anne Morrow
Jo Pater
Sabah Salih
Stefan Söldner-Rembold

Satellite Meeting

The Working Group on Radiative Corrections and Generators for Low Energy Hadronic Cross Section and Luminosity will meet in nearby Liverpool on 18-19


Static properties of the tau
Lepton universality
Hadronic decays and QCD
Decays into kaons and |Vus|
Decays of b and c to tau
CP violation in the tau sector
Lepton flavour violation
Lepton g-2
Neutrino physics
Tau at hadron colliders
Prospects for tau physics
Poster session


Contact details:

Mrs Anne Morrow
Tau2010 Workshop
School of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Manchester
Manchester UK
M13 9PL
Phone +44 161 275 4170
Fax +44 161 275 0480